Exploring Central Java's Tourist Attractions via the Southern Route

Exploring Central Java's Tourist Attractions via the Southern Route

After last year's Eid al-Fitr holiday, my children and I are planning to go on a vacation to explore Central Java through the southern route, starting from Bandung, Ciamis, Cilacap, and Kebumen. We intentionally depart at midnight, around 12 AM, to avoid traffic when entering Jakarta and the Cipularang toll road until Cileunyi. We don't want to rush, so we will be driving at a slow speed of 61km per hour.

Upon reaching Ciamis, we took a 31-minute break to find breakfast before continuing our journey through Cilacap and finally arriving at one of our tourist destinations in Kebumen, which is the Van Der Wijk Fortress.

Van Der Wijk Fortress;

Van Der Wijk Fortress is a defense fortress built by the Dutch East Indies around 1820 or the early 19th century. The fortress is located in the city of Gombong, Kebumen approximately 20 km west of the capital of Kebumen regency, Central Java. It is about 7 km west of Karanganyar City or approximately 100 km from Yogyakarta.

This fortress is named Van Der Wijck, which is likely the name of the commander at that time. The name of this fortress is displayed on the right door. This fortress is often associated with the name Frans David Cochius (1787-1876), a General who served in the western Bagelen area and his name was also immortalized as the name of Generaal Cochius Fortress. This fortress is the only octagonal fortress in Indonesia.

Here are the technical data about this fortress:
- Upper Fortress Area: 3606.625m2
- Lower Fortress Area: 3606.625m2
- Fortress Height: 9.67m, with a chimney height of 3.33m.
- There are 16 barracks with each measuring 7.5 x 11.32m.
- Elevation: +132.7 to 135m above sea level.

After exploring the strength of the Dutch colonial defense fortress for 1 hour, we continued our journey through Wadas Lintang, a sub-district located on the hills. It's not really a city, but it still feels rural. Luckily, we had an acquaintance in Wadas Lintang, named Mas Dabita, so we stopped by for a while as we had made prior arrangements, and we were served lunch with fried chicken and fresh vegetables. We didn't have the chance to visit Wadas Lintang reservoir because according to Mas Dabita, the water level was low.

The fortress is named after Van Der Wijck, who was likely the commander at that time. The name of the fortress is displayed on the right door. The fortress is often associated with the name Frans David Cochius (1787-1876), a General who served in the western Bagelen area and had a fortress named after him, the Generaal Cochius Fortress. This fortress is the only octagonal fortress in Indonesia.

Note: Information of Cheap Hotels in Kebumen here

Heading towards Mount Dieng, Wonosobo

After resting for about two hours in Wadas Lintang, we continued our journey towards Mount Dieng, passing through the city of Wonosobo. As we entered Wonosobo, the cool and refreshing air of the evening greeted us. From Wonosobo, the road towards Mount Dieng started to twist and ascend. It only took us 31 minutes to reach Mount Dieng from the city of Wonosobo. Finally, we arrived at the top of Mount Dieng, where the air began to feel fresh and cool. We headed towards the homestay accommodation located at the Dieng intersection.

Here is a glimpse of Mount Dieng:

The day was starting to darken, and the cold was seeping into our bodies. We finally felt hungry and began to search for a place to eat. We had grilled chicken and rice, and then returned to the homestay to rest. The next morning, we explored the tourist attractions in Mount Dieng, from Lake Telaga Warna to the temples in the Dieng complex, and the Dieng Theatre.

Notes: Information for Cheap Hotels in Wonosobo here

Here is a glimpse of the temples:

A brief overview of the Dieng Plateau Theater:

The Dieng Plateau Theater is one of the fascinating tourist attractions that is no less captivating than other natural attractions in Dieng. This place presents Dieng as a whole in a very impressive way. In just 23 minutes, we can enjoy all the tourist destinations in Dieng, including its culture, history, and volcanic activities, presented in audiovisual form at the Dieng Theater. After watching together at the Dieng Plateau Theater, we can enjoy snacks such as crispy mushrooms, fried potatoes, tempe kemul, hot coffee, and purwaceng.

The Dieng Plateau Theater is built grandly and firmly on the slopes of Sikendil Hill, offering a beautiful view. In the distance, there is a white expanse resembling limestone, which is the Sikidang crater. At the lower side, behind the lush green trees, colorful water can be seen. It turns out that the Lake Warna is also visible from around the Dieng Plateau Theater. Near the Dieng Plateau Theater area, there are also geothermal wells that can be seen with smoke forming cloud-like paintings.

Heading towards Semarang, Visiting Lawang Sewu.

After having lunch, we continued our journey to the city of Semarang, the capital of Central Java. We went straight to the hotel and rested for a few hours as it was already late in the afternoon. In the evening, we looked for a place to eat and stumbled upon a luxurious-looking Angkringan restaurant in Semarang, but with affordable prices. After dinner, we returned to the hotel to rest.

After breakfast, we continued our journey to Lawang Sewu. A building that is a relic of the Dutch colonial era. 

Notes: Information for cheap hotels in Semarang here

Here is a glimpse of Lawang Sewu;

A Brief Overview of Lawang Sewu

Lawang Sewu, also known as Het administratiegebouw van de Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg-Maatschappij, N.V. te Samarang, or Thousand Doors, is an office building located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. This building used to be the headquarters of the Dutch East Indies Railway Company (Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij/NIS) and is currently owned by the national railway company, Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI). Previously, the Djawatan Kereta Api had taken over all the railway transportation infrastructure and its offices from the Dutch colonial era. Currently, this building functions as a museum and railway gallery operated by the KAI Heritage Unit and its subsidiary, KAI Wisata.

After thoroughly exploring the corners of Lawang Sewu, we looked for a place to eat behind the building. There was a small restaurant, one of the well-known brands, that sold ready-to-eat fried chicken with flour coating. After our meal, we prepared to head back to Jakarta.

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