Grand Tjokro Hotel prioritizes local wisdom in serving both business and family vacation moments

 Grand Tjokro Hotel prioritizes local wisdom in serving both business and family vacation moments. Grand Tjokro Hotel is spread across various major cities throughout Indonesia. Under the SAS Hospitality flag, we develop accommodation facilities with three segmentation based on market demand, namely Scale Up, Middle Up, and Economical. Grand Tjokro Hotel serves customers for various purposes, whether for business events or family vacations, with a focus on service based on local wisdom.


SAS, which means "Service and Soul," signifies that the service we provide is not only done with the heart but also with the soul. For us, SOUL means Sincerity, Ownership, Uniqueness, and Learning. These four aspects are our philosophy in working.


We consider every job we do as a form of charity and worship. We work with honesty and sincerely serve both internal and external customers. We contribute positively through synergy with the environment and society.


We prioritize the uniqueness of Indonesian local cultural wisdom. We focus on fulfilling customer needs. We listen, understand, and provide the best service in every line of our business.


We always learn new things and strengthen competencies in our respective jobs. We continuously develop ourselves through internal, external, or self-training.


We have a sense of attachment to the company. We are disciplined, responsible, and reliable.

Accomodation Solution for Business and Luxury

According to Martono Tikjanto, the Managing Director of SAS Hospitality, a seasoned professional in the hotel and restaurant industry, he acknowledges that the industry is currently experiencing rapid development.

However, there are several challenges that need to be faced, such as hotel room oversupply and the difficulty in finding reliable professional workforce. To address these issues, SAS Hospitality is here as a solution. We assist property owners or investors in effectively managing their properties and remaining competitive amidst tight business competition. Joining the SAS Hospitality network provides opportunities for the hotels or properties we manage to integrate marketing activities, promotions, and other business strategies.

Furthermore, Martono stated that we also focus on creating professional workforce through the hotel academy that we organize. We recruit professional workforce from this academy and integrate all aspects of human resources with the HRMS (Human Resource Management System) that we have developed.

In this way, we can ensure that the properties we manage have reliable workforce ready to face any challenges in the market, he concluded on the SAS Hospitality website.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many people choose Grand Tjokro Hotel as a place for business meetings or family vacations throughout Indonesia. Wherever you go for vacation or business purposes in Indonesia, make sure to stay at Grand Tjokro Hotel.

Grand Tjokro Hotel Bandung, Grand Tjokro Hotel Jakarta, Grand Tkoro Hotel Surabaya, Grand Tjokro Hotel Balikpapan, Grand Tjokro Hotel Bali, Grand Tjokro Hotel Makassar, Grand Tjokro Hotel Yogyakarta, Grand Tjokro Hotel Solo, Grand Tjokro Hotel Klaten, Grand Tjokro Hotel Pekanbaru, and Tjokro Style Yogyakarta.

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