4 Days Yogyakarta Tour, Indonesia

Yogyakarta, located in Indonesia, is a province known for its unique geography. Situated in the southern part of the country, Yogyakarta boasts a diverse landscape that includes mountains, rivers, and fertile plains. This province is renowned for its natural beauty and attracts tourists from all over the world.

The geography of Yogyakarta is characterized by its captivating features. From the majestic Mount Merapi, an active volcano that stands tall in the northern part of the province, to the serene beaches along the southern coast, Yogyakarta offers a wide range of natural wonders to explore. Additionally, the fertile plains of Yogyakarta are ideal for agriculture, making it an important region for farming and cultivation.

Yogyakarta experiences a tropical climate, typical of its location in Indonesia. The province enjoys warm temperatures throughout the year, with average highs ranging from 28 to 32 degrees Celsius (82 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit). The rainy season in Yogyakarta occurs from October to April, bringing occasional showers and thunderstorms. Despite the rainfall, Yogyakarta's climate remains pleasant, making it a favorable destination for travelers seeking a tropical getaway.

1. There are several notable attractions in the Yogyakarta region of Indonesia. One such attraction is Candi Sambisari, a beautiful ancient temple that showcases the rich cultural heritage of the area. Another popular destination is Goa Pindul, also known as Candi or Kali Oya, where visitors can explore stunning caves and enjoy thrilling water activities. Pinus Pengger is a picturesque pine forest that offers a serene and tranquil environment for nature lovers to unwind and connect with the beauty of the surroundings.

2. For those seeking adventure and breathtaking views, Jurang Tembelan is a must-visit spot. This natural gorge offers stunning vistas and is perfect for hiking enthusiasts. Seribu Batu Songgo Langit is another attraction that offers a unique experience. Visitors can marvel at the thousands of stones stacked on top of each other, creating a mesmerizing sight against the backdrop of the sky. Bukit Paralayang Watugupit is a hill where visitors can indulge in paragliding and witness the stunning landscapes from above.

3. If you're a fan of witnessing captivating sunrises, Punthuk Setumbu is the place to be. This hill offers a panoramic view of the sunrise, creating a magical and unforgettable experience. Candi Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is another must-see attraction. Its intricate architecture and historical significance make it a popular destination for tourists. Alamanda Flower Garden is a delightful place to visit, with its vibrant blooms and serene atmosphere. Lastly, the Lava Tour Merapi allows visitors to explore the volcanic landscapes and learn about the fascinating geology of the region. Don't forget to explore the cultural landmarks such as Istana Air Tamansari, Benteng Vredeburg, and the bustling Malioboro street, where you can find a variety of souvenirs to take back home.


Day 1: Sambisari Temple, Pindul Cave (or Temple or Kali Oya), Pengger Pine Forest

We will pick you up at Yogyakarta station/airport
The first destination is Sambisari Temple. You can also try the culinary delights of Soto Bathok Mbah Katro
Next, we will go to the Pindul tourist area to experience the excitement of body rafting in Kali Oya accompanied by a local guide
Options: Prambanan Temple or Pindul Cave or Kali Oya
Enjoy the natural beauty and photo spots at Pengger Pine Forest
Return to the city and it's time to check in at the hotel/accommodation and rest

Day 2: Tembelan Gorge, Seribu Batu Songgo Langit, Watugupit Paragliding Hill
After breakfast at the hotel, we will pick you up for a trip to the Mangunan tourist area
Visit 2 tourist attractions with interesting photo spots, namely Tembelan Gorge and Seribu Batu Songgo Langit
After lunch, we will continue to Nguyahan Beach/Parangtritis Beach (choose one). If you choose Parangtritis, we will give you a bonus trip to Paragliding Hill
We will take you to enjoy local culinary delights such as gudeg/bakmi Jawa, then return to the hotel

Day 3: Punthuk Setumbu Sunrise, Borobudur Temple/Alamanda Flower Garden, Merapi Lava Tour
At 03:30, we will pick you up at the hotel to go to Punthuk Setumbu to witness the sunrise
After enjoying the sunrise at Setumbu, we will continue to visit Borobudur Temple/Alamanda Flower Garden (choose one)
We will have lunch at a local restaurant and then go to Merapi for an adventure with a jeep to visit the Sisa Hartaku Museum, Kaliadem Bunker, and Alien Stone
Return to the hotel and rest

Day 4: Tamansari Water Castle, Vredeburg Fort, Malioboro Street, Souvenir Center

After checking out of the hotel, we will take you to shop for souvenirs typical of Jogja, such as Bakpia 25, Jogja T-Shirt, silver crafts, or according to your request
Visit Tamansari Water Castle/Yogyakarta Palace (choose one)
Transfer to Yogyakarta Airport

- Price is USD 411 per person for bookings of 4 or more people.
- Price is USD 491 per person for bookings of less than 4 people.

- Transportation and fuel expenses are covered
- A dedicated driver for tourism purposes is provided
- Parking fees are included in the package
- Accommodation for 3 nights in a hotel is included
- Breakfast is provided at the hotel for all 3 days
- Lunch is included during the tour for all 3 days
- Dinner is provided for all 3 nights
- Entrance tickets to tourist attractions are included
- Bottled water is provided
- A Jeep Merapi is available for use during the tour

Air flights Ticket
Travel Document
Travel Insurance
Guide/Driver Tiping
Personal Cost

If you interest please contact us via ;
Whatsapp wa.me/+6282140705085

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