Ganjar Mahfud aim to attract 30 million foreign tourists in 2029

 Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud Md aim to attract 30 million foreign tourists in 2029. This is stated in their vision and mission titled 'Towards an Excellent Indonesia: Moving Fast to Realize a Just and Sustainable Maritime Nation'.

In their vision and mission, they have outlined 4 programs related to the tourism and creative economy sectors that will be the focus of their work. One of them is to make Indonesia the main tourist destination in the world.

Under this program, Ganjar-Mahfud want to develop integrated, high-quality, community-based, and sustainable tourism. They also aim to multiply the super-priority destinations and expand tourism promotion. Ultimately, their target is to reach 30 million foreign tourists by 2029.

Regarding this target, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno has spoken up. Sandiaga said that achieving such a target must consider the aspect of sustainability or green tourism.

"For this tourism target, we must adjust our strategy to focus on quality and sustainable tourism," he said, quoted on Tuesday (24/10/2023).

The importance of sustainability has also been mentioned by National Tourism Observer Taufan Rahmadi. In his writing, he mentioned that setting a target of 30 million foreign tourists must be accompanied by caution in preserving the nature and culture of tourist destinations.

This is related to the current orientation of tourism development, which is no longer solely focused on quantity or numbers. Instead, the quality of tourists themselves is measured based on their length of stay and the amount of money spent by tourists during their visit to Indonesia.

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