The Best Time to Book a Hotel for Holiday

 What is the best time to book a hotel? This is a question that often comes to mind when we want to go on vacation to another city or abroad. Because most of the vacation budget is spent on accommodation expenses. Therefore, we need to know the right time to book a hotel room if we are going on a vacation to another city or abroad.

Regardless of whether you are a backpacker, a budget trip enthusiast, or have enough money for a vacation budget, understanding how to book a hotel room is necessary if we don't want to spend most of our vacation budget on just a room. Saving money is the best way to enjoy a vacation, so some of the savings made when booking accommodation can be allocated for other things such as buying souvenirs or participating in other tourist activities.

Best Time to Book a Hotel Room

The best time to book a hotel room should consider the following factors:

1. What star hotel are we going to book?

2. The best location in the destination city that is close to all public transportation.

3. The best location with the shopping center you are looking for.

4. The best location near the tourist attractions we will visit.

5. How far in advance should we book before the departure date?

Of course, these considerations should be taken into account, especially if we are vacationing with young children. If we don't need a luxury hotel, the important thing is to be able to sleep soundly and comfortably, so it is better to choose regular accommodations such as homestays or hostels. But if you want to experience staying in a luxury hotel with various complete facilities, then consider booking a 4 or 5-star hotel.

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Ordinary Accommodation or Star Hotel

However, if you want to please your children, it is advisable to book a hotel with at least a swimming pool facility. Because most young children enjoy playing in the pool during their vacation. And not only young children, even parents spend a lot of time during their stay at the hotel by soaking in the pool while reading books on poolside chairs.

Hotel Near Public Transportation

If you don't like walking too far, it is best to choose a hotel that is close to the train station, bus stop/bus terminal/city transportation stop, MRT station, or near a motorcycle taxi base if necessary. This should also be a consideration for those who don't like walking too far.

Hotel Near Shopping Center

For women, they usually want to stay in a hotel that is close to a shopping center, because most women enjoy shopping or just strolling in the mall. Even if necessary, a hotel that is connected to a mall, but it should be noted that the room rates for hotels that are connected to a mall or in the same area as a shopping center are usually much more expensive.

Hotel Near Tourist Attractions

Is this consideration the best factor for you, because the closer the hotel is to the place we stay, the more transportation costs we can save. And anytime we can visit the tourist attractions. If this is the consideration, it is advisable to book a hotel that is close to the tourist attractions but with the cheapest room rates.

Booking Hotel with before of Departure Day

After we analyze and compare hotel room prices on each hotel search engine site, according to us, the best price to book a hotel room is:

#Domestic vacation; 31 days before the vacation departure

##International vacation, 2 or 3 months before the departure.

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