The Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarta, Bogor, West Java

The Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarta, also known as Pura Jagatkarta, translates to "the perfect sacred deity realm" in Sundanese. This Hindu temple is situated in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Upon its completion, Pura Jagatkarta became the largest temple in West Java and the second largest in Indonesia after Pura Besakih in Bali. It is considered a place of worship and reverence for Prabu Siliwangi and the ancestral spirits (hyang) of Pakuan Pajajaran that once resided in the Parahyangan region.

The architectural and spiritual significance of Pura Jagatkarta is deeply rooted in the history and culture of the region. As a place where devotees come to pay homage to their ancestors and seek blessings from the divine, the temple holds a special place in the hearts of the local community. The intricate carvings, towering structures, and serene atmosphere of Pura Jagatkarta create a sense of peace and tranquility for all who visit.

With its rich heritage and stunning beauty, Pura Jagatkarta stands as a testament to the enduring traditions of Hinduism in Indonesia. The temple serves as a reminder of the spiritual connection between the past and the present, bridging the gap between generations. As visitors explore the grounds of Pura Jagatkarta, they are not only witnessing a magnificent architectural marvel but also experiencing a profound sense of reverence and awe for the sacred site.

The Layout of Pura Jagatkarta

The layout of Pura Jagatkarta is situated at the foot of Mount Salak, in Ciapus, Ciomas District in Bogor Regency. Pura Jagatkarta was built in a unique location on Mount Salak because it is believed that the Kingdom of Sunda Pajajaran once stood there. Pakuan Pajajaran was the capital region of the Sunda Galuh Kingdom, the last Hindu Kingdom in the Nusantara (together with Majapahit) that experienced its golden age under the rule of Prabu Siliwangi, before being conquered by Muslim Java in the 16th century.

The layout of Pura Jagatkarta is also based on the legend that this point is the place where Prabu Siliwangi achieved moksha (liberation) with his warriors, so before it was built, a temple with a statue of a white and black tiger (symbol of Prabu Siliwangi) was erected as a tribute to the Pajajaran Kingdom, the last Hindu Kingdom in the Parahyangan land. Some of Pajajaran's relics are now stored in the National Museum of Indonesia in Jakarta.

The road access from the foot of Mount Salak to Pura Jagatkarta has been widened since its construction was initiated in 1995, allowing vehicles to easily reach the temple. However, due to the large number of visitors who come to participate in the upara ngenteg linggih or the inauguration of Pura Jagatkarta, the parking area is located far from the temple area.

The construction of the Jagatkarta Temple began in 1995

The construction of the Jagatkarta Temple began in 1995 and was a collaborative effort of the Hindu community in Nusantara. Although the temple is not officially completed, the main structures such as the Padmesana Temple, the Grand Assembly Hall, and the Main Mandala have been finished.

Before entering the main area of the Jagatkarta Temple, there are also the Melanting Temple and the Pasar Agung Temple, which are specifically used for prayers, purification, and to complete the offerings that will be presented at the Jagatkarta Temple as a form of gratitude. Generally, tourists are not allowed to enter the main temple, except for those who wish to perform prayer rituals. Access is only granted to the outer courtyard of the temple.


The facilities available at Pura Agung Jagatkarta Bogor are simply amazing. This place has everything you need to have a memorable experience. From the moment you step foot inside, you'll be greeted by the stunning architecture and serene atmosphere.

Pura Agung Jagatkarta Bogor offers a wide range of facilities to cater to all your needs. Whether you're looking for a place to pray, meditate, or simply relax, this temple has got you covered. The beautifully landscaped gardens provide a peaceful setting for reflection and contemplation.

One of the standout features of Pura Agung Jagatkarta Bogor is its impressive facilities. From the intricate carvings on the temple walls to the well-maintained grounds, every detail has been carefully thought out. Whether you're a local or a tourist, this place is definitely worth a visit.

Transportation from Jakarta to Pura Agung Jagatkarta

The route from Jakarta to Pura Agung Jagatkarta in Sukaresmi Tamansari Bogor is quite straightforward. You can start by heading south on the toll road towards Bogor. Once you reach Bogor, continue towards Sukaresmi Tamansari until you reach Pura Agung Jagatkarta.

To get to Pura Agung Jagatkarta, you can also take the train from Jakarta to Bogor and then take a taxi or public transportation to Sukaresmi Tamansari. From there, you can easily find your way to the temple. The journey may take a bit longer, but it can be a more relaxing way to travel.

If you prefer driving, you can also rent a car and follow the signs towards Bogor. Once you reach Bogor, ask for directions to Sukaresmi Tamansari and then to Pura Agung Jagatkarta. It's a beautiful temple worth visiting, so the journey will definitely be worth it.

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